Новости международного бизнеса доставка контента на 5 языках

"DEVELOPMENT OF HISTORICAL DIVING: a new trend for traveling around Russia MUSEUM UNDER WATER: modern technologies for preserving cultural heritage"

December 6 (Wednesday), 15.00, The journalist's house (Nikitsky boulevard, 8а) Marble hall

Press conference "DEVELOPMENT OF HISTORICAL DIVING: a new trend for traveling around Russia MUSEUM UNDER WATER: modern technologies for preserving cultural heritage"

Participants: Bogdanov Konstantin - head of the Diving and Diving Team, project manager "Bowing to the Great Victory", Person of the year of the Russian Geographical Society in 2014, Radchenko Dmitry - head of the water sports center "Vetreno", head of the Interregional public organization "Third Rome", initiator creation of the Naval Avenue of Heroes of the Yaroslavl Region, Hegumen Innokenty Olkhova - the economist of the Danilov Monastery, a member of the expedition "The Flooded Shrines of the Mologa Territory".
The participants of the press conference will present the research and tourism project "The Flooded Shrines", and also: · present the research and tourism project "The Flooded Shrines of the Mologa Region", discuss issues related to the development of a new tourist direction for historical diving in Russia, how was the first expedition to Rybinsk the sea in 2017, explain why underwater research is possible only in the winter, what difficulties it prepares for the underwater explorers of the Rybinsk Sea, · share plans to create a multi-day winter expedition camp during the second winter expedition in winter 2018, · talk about how the first in Russia a museum under water.

Special opportunity: media representatives will be accredited to participate in the multi-day expedition "Small Arctic", which will be held in the winter of 2018 on the ice of the Rybinsk Reservoir.

Within the framework of the press conference, a photo exhibition will take place on the results of the first year of the project "Flooded Shrines of the Mologa Territory".
Accreditation Login: E-mail: ninalesina@mail.ru Lesina Nina Borisovna +7 (985) 210-36-78 E-mail: asr953@mail.ru Vasilyeva Elena Nikolaevna +7 (926) 212-85-97

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