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Alain Paladeva | June 27, 2016
Each of us sooner or later asks himself: Who am I? Why I am here? For every day that we do the same job? The final life, or is it one of the stages of maturation of a long journey? And if this is the beginning, who directed me in this way? Questions much, and not all the questions we answer in the framework of life, but many will be answered at the end of the earthly path.

One of the main Christian holidays - the Day of the Holy Trinity, we went to a village family Buduschevo - the place where my ancestors, I was brought here as a child. From the village were "ghosts of the past" - those whom I know and who did not find him. Photos from the crosses look at me, and I ask: What is your life? The fact that you have built, destroyed, life is monotonous erases achievements of previous years, and all overgrown with grass. What is my life?

And you've seen how to die at home. When I was little, I had to substitute the ladder, while houses and haylofts were great. After the bottom of the log transformed into dust settles and the house, and so on a log from year to year until it fails roof or disassemble for firewood. The house is like a man dies when his overlooked when it becomes unnecessary. Here I am standing in a clearing, where his grandfather was a house, now it is a clean place.
Life replaces the image, and for what we live? Vanity? The leaves on the trees delight us with their greens in the spring, autumn and pleased when lining golden carpets in the winter.

Do not lay up treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroys them, where thieves can break into the house and steal them. The world is so swift that the product-trade achievements: gadgets, appliances wear rapidly become obsolete and die in closets, not trendy and not functional and not prestigious. And what, I ask you the meaning of life, if all our achievements are mortal?
Can live and to enjoy life to the maximum, but as far as I have seen such successful when their story ends.

How to develop harmoniously in this world? Egomarketing answers to these questions are still in your lifetime, and enables environmentally friendly refers to your needs. Each of us is a reflection of God, his hands, someone a slave.

The Emerald Tablet of Hermes said: Truly, without any lies, reliably and in the highest degree true. That is at the bottom, similar to (respectively) that is at the top. And the fact that at the top, similar to what is below, to accomplish the wonders of a single thing. Of course, we are sending themselves into this dimension, create our own program of stay: If no bird will not fall without the will of the Father, if not a hair falls from a man's head without the will of God, ...
I am sure that each of us have a program archived in a small pixel - the point being. And all of our symptoms - are currently open in this point of well-being bequeathed by God. Seek ye first the kingdom of God, then the same will be given to you all these things. ..

Point well-being can be open to a kind of exploring genetics by examining the ego, traveling through time. Why is it important? In life, we all need to get as close to the point of well-being, as away from it we get external and internal signals, without investigating them perish.

Oleg Palade

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