Новости международного бизнеса доставка контента на 5 языках



Alain Paladeva | August 8, 2016
Mistakes that we make, both in business and in life are related to errors and lack of the right information to make good decisions. IEEAcademy fill this gap in the strategic vision of releasing videobook: «Errors copying other people's strategies: Egomarketing designing the future."

Now buying and listening to videobook, our students will be able to save a lot of time and effort, understanding the nuances of how to use best practices, while avoiding mistakes.

In this article we will show some errors, the rest you will find in videobook: «Errors copying other people's strategies: Egomarketing designing the future." Why we created this videobook? There is plenty of consultants that are not qualitatively work with the dreams of the customer, with the "point of well-being" of the customer, making mistakes that lead a person from their destination. We do not blame anyone, we know how to reduce the negative consequences of the execution of foreign desires.

Mistake # 1 Resources
When you copy someone else's experience, we do not consider how much time people spent an organization. We see the success of the halo, and want to repeat it. And hardly anyone thinks about -That questions related to resources: time, money, experience, connections.

Mistake # 2 Genetics
Usually we say that the startup project, but no one says that it was before startup. No one asks the question: Who was the mother Bill Gates, and why the garage of Steve Jobs was in silicic valley.

Mistake # 3 Execution personal mission
Any person coming into the world brings with it the knowledge of how to make this world a better place, but getting into this world distracted, retrained, peremotiviruetsya and pursues other, often the wrong target. The measure of proximity to the execution of its mission is the happiness of man, and is said to be "in place".

IEEAcademy offers you to buy videobook «Errors copying other people's strategies: Egomarketing designing the future." You will gain knowledge that will save time and effort in the realization of your "point of well-being", will save you and your family a copy of false policies imposed by the outside world to you.

Order videobook «Errors copying other people's strategies: Egomarketing design of the future" by phone +74997695225, or by sending a request to the address experts@souzconsalt.com. You get access to videobook, and free advice from the author egomarketinga, successful entrepreneur Paladeva Oleg Nikolaevich.

Alain Paladeva

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