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To the project "Open public services platform," joined by new Russian regions

To the project "Open public services platform," joined by new Russian regions

Moscow, August 8, 2016. - The Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation said that the project "Open platform of public services", which is implemented by the Ministry, joined by ten Russian regions. Agreement on the deployment of auxiliary software components (widgets) to obtain federal government services in their regional portals signed Amur, Kaluga, Leningrad, Omsk, Penza, Saratov, Tomsk region, Chelyabinsk region, as well as St. Petersburg and Krasnodar region. Widgets on the portals of the ten new regions appear in the autumn of 2016.
"The new agreement will enable users to obtain government services at their usual portal. Also increases the number of channels of access to public services in electronic form, "- said the director of the Department of e-Government Ministry of Communications of Russia Vladimir Auerbach.
Widgets popular public services "tax debts Checking" and "Know your TIN" has already placed on its regional portals Moscow, Tyumen and Tula region, and Krasnoyarsk Krai and Khabarovsk Krai.

Recall service "Open Platform" was launched in October 2015. It allows you to provide the federal government electronic services on the portals and websites of federal and regional executive authorities, using widgets Unified portal of public and municipal services (EPGU).

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