7 simple methods to increase the effectiveness of B2B sales
Let's go back to the classics of the genre. To B2B sales. What is it and how to increase it? Still, they want to sell more and better.
In the second half of this article, I'll list seven ways to improve sales performance. First, I propose to take another look at the differences between B2B and B2C sales.
Features of B2B sales
All the time, marketers believed that in B2B marketing one should have a different, serious approach. This applied to text, design, and tone. It is not for me to judge what happened before. But now is a different time, and B2B customers expect companies to provide the same quick and easy service they experience when buying products for personal use.
A modern client (it doesn't matter B2B or B2C) is well informed, looking for information, reviews about a product and organization on the Internet, is familiar with competitive offers, wants a quick response, an easy deal and fast delivery, gives reviews and welcomes feedback, seeks equal cooperation and is loyal to the suppliers that have satisfied its earlier requests.
Therefore, I urge all B2B marketers to start marketing the way they do in B2C: flexibly, focusing on the client. This does not mean that all the features of sales (team decision or decision rationality) have disappeared. Adjust your customer picture, and thus change the approach to sales and marketing.
7 methods to improve the efficiency of B2B sales
1) Develop a sales plan
No business is successful if sales are not fully planned out. The plan is created simultaneously "top down" and "bottom up". First, sales managers draw up their sales forecast for each customer and product, and management prepares a sales plan that reflects the company's strategy. In the end, both proposals are combined (in big battles) and one sales plan is adopted. In this case, employees perceive it as a goal that they set themselves.
2) Make sure employees know everything about the product
As practice shows, most managers do not clearly know what they are selling, so it is necessary to make sure that they know as much as possible about the product. The role of sales managers (and therefore managers, not just salespeople) is to help and lead the client to the right decision. Let me remind you that a modern client is already informed and is looking for solutions to his problem. First of all, he wants to see a professional consultant in front of him who can be trusted. Nobody buys a product that even their sales manager doesn't understand in detail.
3) Change the system of motivation
First of all, in order to increase sales in B2B, it is necessary to modify the motivation system for sellers. A system that is well designed, in most cases, becomes an incentive for salespeople to sell a lot more products.
It is very important to regularly align the goals of the salespeople with the company's strategy. Most often, companies do not focus on this aspect and pay sellers wages in accordance with the total sales, without distinguishing which products were sold. But the business needs to grow, and new products need market promotion and sales assistance.
Sellers will work effectively only when, in addition to the total amount from sales, their salary will be influenced by the promotion of strategic products: cold calls and meetings held, signing of contracts, conversions and the speed of closing a deal. Thanks to all this, the quality of service will increase, the sellers will be motivated and willing to work better and faster, since their salary will depend on all this.
4) Create a "sales assistance" program
Such a program will consist of grading improvement courses (how to speak, how to speak, how to persuade), product information and market development. It will affect the self-development of managers and help them see work in a different light.
It is good if meetings within the framework of this program are held regularly and are prepared by the internal employees of the company. They can best communicate about products, their advantage, competitors and the market. This will motivate and stimulate all program participants to new ideas.
5) Create feedback
Typically, customers turn to multiple suppliers at once, creating a lot of competition. They know what is happening in the market and who is the best to turn to. Checking information about prices, delivery, new products, great offers, they choose what suits the most both in terms of quality and price.
If the relationship between the sales manager and the client is trusting and feedback is established, then you can get information that will tell you about competitors and their special offers.
Feedback within the company should also be encouraged. Healthy and positive criticism helps to solve problems that are ripening within the walls of the company. Different tools are suitable for this: both anonymous employee surveys and personal one-on-one conversations.
6) use cold calls
They help attract new customers, increase sales and increase profits. Cold calls made by our sales managers are more effective than ordered from a call-center.
7) Negotiation should be standardized
Very often, managers forget to clarify important details. In this case, it is better to work with checklists of questions that can be created by the whole team.
Cooperation with marketing has a very positive effect on the number of sales (I was so surprised, right?). Marketing stands for the "customer journey" and its "pain points". Based on this information, sales scenarios and their development are built. At the same time, sales managers will be prepared for any development of the conversation with the client and can professionally respond to his requests and preferences.
About the author: Creator and author of B2B blog MARKETINGA. Expert in marketing, sales and B2B development in Europe. For your marketing effectiveness, you can contact me as follows: Facebook // LinkedIn // Instagram // Email Similar
Сеть международных экспертов «Союзконсалт»
Сеть международных экспертов «Союзконсалт» www.souzconsalt.com, в очередной раз подтвердила свой статус лучшей среди равных, в Ежегодном городском конкурсе Правительства Москвы «Московский предприниматель», в номинации «УСЛУГИ ДЛЯ БИЗНЕСА: КОНСАЛТИНГ, ОБУЧЕНИЕ, МАРКЕТИНГ, СОПРОВОЖДЕНИЕ БИЗНЕСА». Сеть международных экспертов «Союзконсалт» уже становилась лауреатом данного конкурса в 2013 году.
Церемония награжДиплом_Союзконсалт_1дения лауреатов и победителей номинаций Конкурса, а также межотраслевых и социальных номинаций состоялась 31 мая, в «Доме Смирнова» (Тверской бульвар, 18,стр.1). где чествовали и отмечали успехи малого и среднего бизнеса.
Организаторы Конкурса:
• Департамент науки, промышленной политики и предпринимательства города Москвы
• Межрегиональная Общественная Организация «Московская ассоциация предпринимателей»
Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «Союзконсалт» осуществляет инновационный проект, в рамках реализации государственной программы Российской Федерации: «РАЗВИТИЕ ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКОЙ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ» Распоряжение Правительства Российской Федерации от 15 апреля 2014 г. № 330, создание международного экспертного сообщества «Союзконсалт».
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Мы приглашаем к взаимовыгодному сотрудничеству.
Директор международных проектов
Сети международных экспертов «Союзконсалт»
Паладьева Алена
1 Июн 2016, Сеть международных экспертов «Союзконсалт» / Москва