Новости международного бизнеса доставка контента на 5 языках

Launch of the new sales channel

The main goals:

- growth of sales in short-term period,

- diversification of sales risks,

- entering new markets / new segments.

The content of service (approximate, is agreed with the Customer for a specific task):

- analysis of current sales in channels perspective,
- assessment of the company's potential to enter new sales channels,
- analysis of competitors which are working in sales channels,
- development of the program for entering new sales channels,
- selection of counterparty for entering new sales channels,
- sales support and adjustment of the program to enter the channel before reaching the estimated sales volumes.

Brief description of the case/result:

Object: regional manufacturer of bakery products.

Market: of retail sales of bakery products in Samara city.
The list of works which were done:
1) the retrospective analysis of sales in Samara city took place,
2) there were analyzed the key sales channels in the city market of bakery products,
3) the activity of competitors in these channels was analyzed,
4) there were evaluated the production, logistics and sales capabilities of the Customer in terms of entering new sales channels,
5) one new sales channel and one traditional channel for development were selected and agreed with the Customer,
6) there were made the map and the schedule of placement of mobile outlets (the new sales channel),
7) there were implemented measures of support sales in the new channel for 3 months.

The main results of the project:

- Access to a new sales channel within 2 months from the start of work.
- The map of outlets accommodation and their work schedule has been developed.
- The optimal range of products for mobile sales outlets has been formed.
- The increase in sales of the Customer in Samara city for 3 months since the moment of launch of the new sales channel was 78%.
- The share of the channel of mobile sales outlets in 3 months after the launch was 41%

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