Новости международного бизнеса доставка контента на 5 языках

Launch of new product/brand

Launch of new product/brand

The main goals:

- ensuring growth volume and sales margin in future periods,
- reduction of market risks due to diversification,
- strengthening positions in the segments of presence due to the differentiation of the product line.
The content of service (approximate, is agreed with the Customer for a specific task):

- assessment of the company's potential to launch a new product on the geographical market,
- market research in terms of the company's potential realization and competences,
- adapting the concept of the product,
- development of a business plan for launching a new product on the geographical market,
- the organization of process of marketing of a new product,
- development of a program of promotion a new product on the market,
- support of the project before the release of the product in the series.

Brief description of the case/result:

Object:  the Russian manufacturer of plastic pipes.

Market: of telecommunication protective plastic pipes.
The list of works which were done:
1) analysis of production capabilities and sales competencies of the customer's enterprise,
2) marketing research to identify promising segments with the potential of import substitution,
3) development of options for the development of the company's product line and coordination the basic new product with the Customer,
4) development of a business plan of the launch of a new product,
5) selection of key suppliers of raw materials and potential consumers,
6) recruting staff for the project,
7) writing a marketing plan and a promotion budget,
8) support of the first series of production and deliveries.

The main results of the project:

- Start of production of the new product from the date of its approval with the Customer – 4 months.
- Selected 2 main suppliers of raw materials.
- There are signed contracts with 5 customers at the time of serial production launch.
- Reaching the break-even point within the project – 14 months.
- The share of the new product in the sales portfolio was 27% after the production line reached full capacity.

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