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Education for anyone, anytime, anywhere on the Coursera app for Android

Get excited, Courserians: the highly-anticipated app for Android is here. Now it's more convenient than ever to join courses, watch lectures, and take quizzes on your mobile devices. You can even download videos for offline viewing on-the-go! 

Experience the app over seven thousand learners rate 4.5 out of 5 stars

  • “Beautiful design, clean, easy to use. Take the learning anywhere.”
  • “Amazing. Everyone can find something to learn from here, for free!”
  • “App is perfect for watching lectures on the go so you can stay up to date with your courses during a busy day.”
  • “Cool. The best app I ever seen!”
  • “The best app. 10/10 would download again.”
  • “A+. Just perfect, makes learning easy & life productive. Thanks Coursera!”

With Coursera’s apps for mobile, you can look forward to commutes, layovers, and waiting for paint to dry.

Enjoy learning without limits,    The Coursera Mobile Team


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